Monday, August 10, 2015

How social can the gospel get?

A friend says she learned in church that denigration of women, as practiced by Donald Trump, is a cause of rape.  That's OK with me if it came up in a church discussion group.  But I will vigorously shake my head and slap my forehead if it's from the Sunday Sermon. I can't handle that.  The old "Social Gospel" that I grew I grew up with a hundred years ago took its lumps from critics on the Right.  But it never got that outspokenly social. The infamous Father Coughlin provided that.  One of my favorite ministers had been in trouble for his anti-war stand in World War Two. But I never heard about it from the pulpit. He later became the social concerns director for one of the denomination's largest districts. He remains a cherished and admired memory.

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