Thursday, June 4, 2015

You can't win

This one will get me in trouble if anybody reads it.  That's why I put it here rather than on Facebook where folks love a good fight.  Here goes.  Way back, far back, I called myself a religious Liberal.  The L word didn't mean what it seems to mean these days. If being liberal means saying vile. obscene  or silly things like "Conservatives have no right to call themselves Christians" about anyone who speaks on the negative side of some current hot button issue, I would be inclined to call it reverse fundamentalism.  But that won't work either. It would offend my fundamentalist friends.  Yup, I have some.  They are quite decent, even admirable in their good works.  I don't even care  if they  pray for me to change my misguided thinking.  No matter what you say about politics, religion or just about anything else, somebody gets sore.  You can't win.

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