Friday, February 5, 2010

The Dreaded "D" Word

Denomination has become a dirty word. Everybody wants to go to a non-denominational church. A new one pops up every day, competing for customers. I guess that's because the "D" word equals tradition and that's not a popular word, either. Sounds too much like your grandfather's church. Which leaves old grandpappy with no place to go. I remember when we cherished the particular church group we "belonged" to. That's another dirty word. You don't join a church and become a committed member. You're a congregant, part of the audience. Sorry to sound like such an old fart. We are what we are.


  1. Greetings and thanks to Joel and Ashley for taking a peek at these half baked mutterings. And to old friend Ashley's mom for letting them know about it.

  2. Is the dreaded D word something like the scarlet letter burned into the forehead. I still don't know why we need single words to describe us. How about brothers and sisters all.

  3. -just started attending at a new church. When I asked about being a member, I was shushed and still don't know if it is possible.

    Clapping in Church? At 45 years old I cannot make myself do it. Even when everyone else around me is. Clapping?? Really?? The "looks" I got from my folks in church as child keep popping into my head.

  4. Oh Friend Silver ... if you're having trouble at 45, imagine what it's like for this old fart at 80!
    Church is for the young and the restless ... not the old and not-rested-enough.
