Friday, December 27, 2019


That's Catholic Bishop Robert Barron. In my Protestant opinion, he is the greatest religious communicator around today.  He understands media and he knows how to use it.  Have no fear, Protestant Friends.  I am not about to hop on the road to Rome.

Bishop Fulton Sheen was the greatest religious communicator of the 40s into the 60s.  The ratings for his TV show, "Life is worth living," beat a comedy show on another network.

While I am at it, I might as well add Mother Angelica and Father Groeschel  to my list of fine Catholic communicators. I miss them.

Stay tuned for that. With photos.

Friday, December 6, 2019


The Babylon Bee is the planet's wildest, funniest, most brilliant religious and political satire site.  I don't dare quote it on Facebook. Facebookers are determined to take everything seriously.  Not a good idea when you read The Bee.  You know it's great satire when it looks like it could be a well written true story.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The big bad E word

I guess the media wiseguys seriously believe that anybody who goes to a church with "Evangelical" in its name is ignorant or misguided and dangerous. That is just goofy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Religious or funny?

A friend who is about to meet some of my family members wants to know, are they religious or do they have a sense of  humor.   I am thinking of religiously funny things to say about that.  Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Lots of  folks on both sides of religious goofiness are sure of what Jesus would do upon His return to someplace in the USA. Why would He choose anyplace else? His top priority will be cleansing what's wrong with the country, turning over tables and driving bad politicians out of office. Right or Left, whichever you believe needs to go.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Prayer Time

I pray a lot. I just said, "Dear God, I am sorry that I'm an old White guy.  Old White guys are bad.  We are responsible for what's wrong with the country.  I know you don't make mistakes so it must be old Lucifer down below who made me what I am. So next time, can I come back as something else?"  And God said, "Leave me alone. I have other prayers to deal with that are even goofier than yours."

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Bad Religion, Good Religion

Sad that bad religion can really mess you up.  It must be a terrible thing to be traumatized by a bad religious experience that you have to recover from. So is there good religion?  I think so.  You say you want to have a big, deep heavy conversation about that? I tried big deep and heavy. I like small, shallow and light better.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

WWJD all over again

Ain't it interesting ...them folks who don't like religion enjoy talking about Jesus when they find something He said  that supports their socio-political position.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Rants and Raves, Left and Right

What's the difference between a dedicated, vehement religion basher and a ranting fundamentalist preacher?   Not much.