Sunday, August 27, 2017


Why are you reading this?   Because you want to argue about religion?  OK, whatever.  

You won't like it if you're a far Right Fundamentalist or far Right Evangelical. You won't like it if you are an Unfundamentalist Christian on the  Left.  Or an anti-religion crusader. You won't like if you think religious satire is not funny.

So leave and go find something  to like.

Why do I do this?  Am I determined to alienate potential readers? Isn't the whole purpose of a blog  to get readers and reaction?  No.  It isn't.  That's Facebook.

A blog is for me. Not exactly private, but mostly for me.  Like a diary that doesn't lock. Just in case somebody want to take a peek. If you have a mostly for you blog, can I peek?

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


You don't like religion because it's not logical and doesn't make sense?  What?!  That's what I like about it.  

Saturday, August 12, 2017

More snide and snark

Just about the coolest thing you can do is publicly and vehemently declare your great disdain for anything that smacks of religion.