Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Tillich and Barth Show.

OK, here's a couple of interesting ideas about God.  God is not some kind of  super person, something like me but a lot better.   Paul Tillich, a hot shot theologian and a pretty smart fellow, said God is "The ground of being." Another big deal theologian back in the day, Karl Barth, said God isn't like me at all, but "The wholly other. " If you don't like either of those, make up your own.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Just the facts Ma'am.

I can think of few things more boring than some kind of "alternative spiritual center" or "church for people that hate church" that has been stripped of all religious myth, legend and tradition and replaced with historically, archaeologically, scientifically provable, factual "truth."  How dull.

But if it makes you feel like you are one with the universe, be my guest.