Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Still in the oven

Before you get bent out of shape about anything you read here, , kindly note that it's my half baked opinions.  I claim nothing more.  If you care to respond with your own half  baked opinions, I might answer.  But only if it can be a friendly exchange.  No silly pointless arguments or preaching please.  OK? Get your own blog to do that.  If you have one, feel free to link to it.  I might reply if I can think of something profound to say. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Cool Church

Matthew Fox...what an interesting fellow.  No, not the actor.  The priest, if he still is one since the Vatican told him top shut up and behave himself. He says the way to save the Church from extinction is get rid of the pews and dance to deejay music.  He calls it a Cosmic Mass.