Friday, May 29, 2015

The Duggers? Don't ask/

Reason #457 why I would not want t be a clergyperson.  Questions like "What do you think about the Duggars?"  I would get in trouble by answering "What do you think?  You should make up you own mind." That's not the kind of answer folks want from the preacher.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Facebook Prayerbook

Facebook looks like a big prayer meeting. Members are asking for prayers and getting  nice  responses all the time.  I hope this does not sound too terribly snide and snarky. That is my style.  But just this once I don't mean it that way. I like praying. It  is  good thing.  You can pray for me any time, even if you pray for me to come around to your way of thinking. But my prayer life is nobody's business.  I won't talk about in on Facebook or anyplace else.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The other "F" word

The grand old word "Faith" is taking a beating lately. It's tossed around pretty loosely. You can  believe anything you want to or nothing at all if that's your preference and still be a person of faith and a member of a faith community.  That is weird.