Monday, December 30, 2013

Helluva Meeting

I have figured out what hell is like.  It is one continuous, never ending meeting, lasting for all eternity.  Old Nick sits at the head of the table, surrounded by his satanic staff.  They are shouting at each other, each convinced that he knows best how the place should be runThe big guy with the horns says nothing, just sits there grinning broadly. He loves those meetings where everybody talks and nothing gets done.

Now I am wondering if the evil one might have snuck into some of those church board meetings that I have attended too many of.


Sometimes I wish I had been born a Polish Catholic instead of a stuffy old Anglo Methodist. They know how to have fun and they like tradition. I don't know why St. Mike's here no longer has polka mass.  Maybe whoever replaced Father Hack isn't into that.  Does the cool new Pope know about this? I'll bet he can dance to  Whoopie John Wilfahrt's recording of "In heaven there is no beer and that's why we drink it here."
Did I ever tell you about the time Father Hack told me I have a devious sense of humor?  I probably did.  Too many times

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Free Speech

This free speech business is getting ever goofier.  I guess you have a right to say all conservative Christians are dangerous ignorant fools.  And I have the right to call you  a reverse fundamentalist.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Joel's choppers

Let's see, what can I say about Mega-church preacher Joel Osteen?
I know... He has lots of teeth.


Rick's "Daniel Plan" with faith, food, friends, focus and fitness.  That's the latest mega-church goofiness.  If you are offended by  my comment and other similarly snarkey posts here, you should not be reading this blog.