Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Pope's Butler

Too bad you can't copyright a title.  I'd slap my name on that one and sell it to Dan Brown for the name  of his next  book about Catholic skulduggery. Oh,  the Christian Church in its various forms and styles is taking a terrible kick in the head on the media these days. The Pope's butler gets canned, The Vatican's rife with corruption, Protestant mega-churches are going  belly up and I just read on Facebook, "I'm proud that I'm no longer a Christian."

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Nutty Fundamentalists

If I must choose between living next door to a Christian Fundamentalist dedicated to saving my soul from the clutches of the devil and a Muslim Fundamentalist dedicated to blowing up infidels, I'll take the Christian.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mega-churches folding, sold for mega-millions

I wonder what the Catholics will do with Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral.  And where did they get the mega-millions to pay for it.  A sad time for the Schuller Family.

Friday, March 2, 2012

No Church No More

A funny thing happened  on the way to church.  It came to me that I don't need to do that anymore. My liberal friends figure that I saw the light and have abandoned traditional organized religion because it gets in the way of spirituality. Wrong.  My friends over on the far  right side of the church aisle think the devil has got hold of me. They are wrong, too.  I got old.  Things change
I  thought I would probably die in church, nodding off during a meeting of the bored,. (That's not a typo) and forget to wake up,  being magically transported to  the heavenly realm where there are no committees, no boards, no meetings.