Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Church of Clifton

I think I will get me one of those ten dollar online ordinations and start my own church. Building a congregation of adoring fans will be a snap. All it takes is a "seeker sensitive service." P. T. Barnum was right, there's a seeker born every minute.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

James Dobson

James Dobson, the Christian Psychologist, say some OK stuff when he doesn't go way off the deep end on the Right. But if he wants to preach, let him get ordained and call himself Reverend. He did say a pretty wise thing to a woman about to marry a seldom-talking introvert. Don't do it and try to change him. He is what he is. I like that.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Bishop and I

Bishop John Spong is full of it and full of himself. But so am I. We share that. He is famous. I am not.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hipper Handles for Churches!

Just when you think church stuff is as goofy as it can get, new heights (or depths) of goofiness pop up. The former New Life Church, in a rural township not far from here, decided it needed a "hipper handle" to attract young customers, compete with other churches and eliminate any appearance of being an "old, stuffy,fuddy duddy" congregation. "New Life" is getting old and lots of churches are using it. So that newly hip church shall henceforth be ... are you ready for this? .the point. That's right. "dot, the point." All lower case. Oh boy, how contemporary can you get. The associate pastor says the new handle is a visual metaphor.
Just around the corner from me is what used to be a Baptist Church. Now it's The Bridge Bible Church. I suppose "bridge" is a twenty-first century updating of what we fuddy duddys called reconciliation. Or that totally archaic word from your great grandpappy's church, "propitiation."
Does the plural of "duddy" become "duddies?" I will ask someone from .the point. I'm sure they have a grammatically and theologically hip answer.