Friday, November 21, 2008

Crisis of Faith

It just hit me that here I am, within 5 or 10 years of the end of life and I have yet to experience a good old crisis of faith. Oh, my religious/spiritual notions have changed over the years. I now laugh at some of the things I thought I believed or thought I should believe. But there was no drama. No big crisis. I made just one denominational change and that was no big, family busting thing. Not like I quit Christianity and became a Hindu or something. I wonder if I should put a crisis of faith on my to-do list. Maybe that would put some sparkle and pizzaz in my otherwise dull life.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Crazy For God

Just finished reading Frank Schaeffer's book. Fascinating. It would be interesting to get a local discussion group going. I'm not sure I want to get into an online group. There's something about the anonymity of the internet that makes people write things they would never dare say in person. I suppose those who believe all conservative Christians are dangerous nutcases love the book, while Schaffer's former evangelical associates believe the devil has got hold of him. I accept neither of those positions.